I'm hanging in the land of the midnight sun. The only problem I've had is that its always cloud (but light outside) There are no trees here just rolling hills and a few bears,moose, wolves, no bald eagles. The flying is OK, nothing too scary, I move drillrs out to their sites (3) and take them supplies when they need them. I live in a small hotel type building, with food made 3 time a day in the cafeteria. I have one more week left, I don't think my plans include staying way from Juneau when you and Kye are there but I'll try to stay out of the way as much as possible. Lots of bugs but I think they're starting to tapper off on their life cycle.
How it hanging in the South? Did you drive Grandpa crazy asking for the DSL? Have you gone to any more movies? My computer is on sometimes when I'm flying so I don't see you message until I get back from flying. The computer is in the office so I get to check my email usually in the morning and after my shift (4pm local)