Saturday, February 23, 2008

Home away from home

Sitting here in my ever improving ...dang near cute guesthouse on Spring Street.
The kitchen turned out great! Paint.. huge improvedment from the previously orange walls. New sink... love it! It needs a few more homey touches like rugs and paintings and viola! Done! Phil.. did a great job on power... this place has plugs everywhere .... freakin exciting!

Work was okay... everyone in Tucson has the flu too..... even though it is in the paper and on the radio... people seem stunned to hear such news...I knew there was an outbreak and I don't even live here?
Had dinner with Maria tonight @ Kingfisher, yummy fish, fabulous company...we got to hang out, talk without the usual distractions! Missed Murph though... dang:(

Now... for the dirty work. Time to paw through all the remaining junk next door. Like do you want your old lacrosee stick? This is just one of the million questions I may pose over the next several days. Time to bring home the old cookie jar? I am pondering the idea.
Totally fried from last nights... late night... got in @ 2am... long day of sitting ..... then up and off to work. Jack is haning with Kyler on the mtn... I think he is happy!

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