Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Trash & Travel

Working on taxes for 48hrs and putting together a picture book for the house. Leads my mind to wander.
I continue to ponder trash.... read No Impact Man. I have begun looking @ all the trash I produce and am astounded by the amt and I recycle most things. You can not buy anything that is not covered in plastic, surrounding by plastic or is contained in plastic. EGADS!
I actually ordered some bamboo silverware today... to go mobile with me... take out food, plastic silverware/plates etc. I have gotten into the habit of bringing my bags to the store... one small step....... trying to adapt a new habit every month. Leave one more thing out or try another idea.
The pending house project has me going "holy crap" Should we? Shouldn't we? Talk about waste.. yikes! We live in 1000 sq feet now.. comfortably... then we will find junk to fill up 2400 sq feet of space.. that needs to be cleaned, heated, etc. HMMMMM?
In financially getting ready for this project, I have been selling off stock, trying to sell Bisbee house and getting Spring rented... Now... I have a bunch of $$ sitting around screaming @ me... I mentioned to John the other day ... perhaps we should take off a year and cruise around... an early bucket list knock off.. We are all healthy, happy and wise. Jack is still a very likeable kid and might enjoy a journey (or not) Mentally pondering the idea?
Anyway, I am off to go talk to the tax man... this ideas may all go out the door after he tells me how much to write to Uncle Sam. Ick! Not my favorite uncle!

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