Sunday, December 28, 2008

Smack Down!

Death of a Newspaper post. The piece of lumber that kept our twice weekly paper above the elements met a sudden demise Xmas plus  1. We were out for blood until Jack notice this confession attached to our front door.... Laughter took over the mood as we all reminisced over the number of mailboxes we had executed throughout our youth without a single oz. of remorse let alone a confession or offer to fix. (unless we got caught!) We will call Adam today and inform him of his last minute pardon. Thus ending 2008 on a high note.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Later Xmas

Kathy got her back rub in and decided to make use of the flat water and new Kayak gloves.

She survived, Which means it's a matter of time before she recruits the males of our island to join her. All is well in Paradise at 13 degrees Fahrenheit.

Come to Papa

THERE IS A GOD!  This is a picture of KK and Jack bringing in the alter. 5.6  gal keg of Alaskan Amber to be nestled oh so gently into its "NEW KEGERATOR!!!"

Kathy said whom ever she ran into while arranging this Cathedral of Libation mentioned she should be put up for "Wife of the Year".  I'm voting early and often.  I need to get a C2O fill at the local welding store and get Jack to take me off "beer restriction", and I'll meet you guys in paridise.....

If you need friends its either a lottery win or a kegerator and Alaska doesn't have a lottery.

Xmas early AM

Start of Xmas day 2008!  Jack said he couldn't sleep  from about 4 a.m. onward and thus couldn't let his parents sleep in past 7:30. KK was up late with bows and wrap doing the boys righ as always.  This year we were a bit lazy making the to/from cards which added the usual "oooops I think thats for ....." Jacks list included the never exciting to a 12 yr old clothing selection, spy camera tank, (every yr for the past 2 the cats have destroyed the wiring in  a matter of days of these things! Doesn't Santa learn anything!) some billiard gear, and the Holy Grail, an apple Itouch. That's the last we'll see from him...

KK got some relaxing apparatuses/massagers, 1 -  2008 electronic device to keep her "involved" in the present, and a few gifts to be worked on throughout the year.. Who knows.... bobbles, trinkets or hard labor...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Monday, December 15, 2008

Ga Ga Gamers!

Jack and his buddies Kordell and Tate. They have some of the fastest and most nimble fingers and minds at this address at least. Ah, if we only lived full time in a virtual world..........


We have a pair of  Bald Eagles that live in the trees a few houses down. They keep an eye on our deck for any thing that would resemble food. Apparently the former owners would feed them. They can see if you walk out the door with a bag of chicken parts or if you do your best eagle call they will launch immediately toward you and circle in front of the house. Timing is semi important but they will make up for your aim when snatching food out of mid air. Any action from them usually will bring ravens in pretty quick. The cats realize trouble when they see it and stay close to the door. 

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Starting my day

Wicked cold sunrises
Big Moon Mornings

XMAS 10 days out

It's getting to be Xmas! Though most of Santa's gifts are already included in the paint, windows, stylish carpeting and view of the new house, Kathy keeps the boys and pets on track for the holidays. We acquired a tree from the area at the end of the road, being careful this time to pick a type that doesn't go "Charlie Brown" on us in a day or two. The family decorated the tree in a minimalist way fearing its branches could take only soooo much tinsel. Lights are going up as the mood hits, Blue seems to be the color this year. We don't want to be the new neighbors on the block that over do it "Griswald Style"
Cold the last few days with the biggest tides of the year. Looks like we're OK with a 21 foot tide and a long haul to the water when its way out.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Winter STorm

Always exciting! Predicted 20 inches of snow.... we shall see. Obviously we got 6 or so.... so far. I drove home in 4 inches of unplowed slosh last night. a little messy, but no incidents. Power went out about 2 minutes after I got home, school started 1 hr late this am. Bunch of down trees on our old street. Arching power lines... oh what FUN!
I have to go to work ... later, than I'll get to see how much fun everyone is really having. I predict a few broken bones, alot of falls and a few car accidents... I'll keep you posted.
Eaglecrest, our little ski area should open this weekend. That will make everyone happy!! Including me... even though I rarely downhill ski. I could cross country tomorrow? Gotta go shovel the drive... kinda my zen thing to do in the morning. Little I-pod/headphones... happy girl

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A bright new day

This is the amazing view from my living room.... Whoa! pinch me!! YIpEE!! Many projects planned for the day. But first, a little coffee and view appreciation.

Speckle's walk about

Just when we were patting ourselves on the back for how smoothly everything was going. Speck took a 4 day walk about. Let him out for a quick outdoor potty break and FLASH.... no more Speck. Lost him on Thanksgiving day....
Called Humane Society, animal control, put posters in the neighborhood. Yesterday eve, Jack & I were walking door to door, stopped @ the falling down locked shack. Thanks to Jacks great hearing... a small mew came from the rear of the building. Our little sneak was in the building. He was happy to see us... I was SUPER happy to see him. Had to drag is little body through the small hole in the door. Tears of joy!!! Made it to the house (across the street) he is sooooooooooo grounded. No more outside ventures for him ... (in the near future)

Bye Fritz Cove :(

The old palace.... almost cleaned out. One more load... REALLY! John could work as a mover if he stops flying. I lasted maybe 2 hrs a day.... he moved washers/dryer/file cabinets/furniture and could still stand up!!
Think my moving career is OVER!
We have decided we are burning it all or selling the house fully furnished for the next move. (I think we are hoping that is MANY years from now)
Kinda sad to say goodbye to Fritz... cause that was an AWESOME place. Enjoyed working on it and quite proud of the final product. BYE


We are finally in...!!! Here are the boys standing in front of our new digs... beachside. We have alot of work to do... getting organized, finding the underwear, silverwear, you know important stuff!
While I love snow... the snow has stayed away long enough for us to schlup all of our stuff from one house to the other.
Yesterday, I realized..... I really am a hoarder... don't tell anyone!