Sunday, December 14, 2008

XMAS 10 days out

It's getting to be Xmas! Though most of Santa's gifts are already included in the paint, windows, stylish carpeting and view of the new house, Kathy keeps the boys and pets on track for the holidays. We acquired a tree from the area at the end of the road, being careful this time to pick a type that doesn't go "Charlie Brown" on us in a day or two. The family decorated the tree in a minimalist way fearing its branches could take only soooo much tinsel. Lights are going up as the mood hits, Blue seems to be the color this year. We don't want to be the new neighbors on the block that over do it "Griswald Style"
Cold the last few days with the biggest tides of the year. Looks like we're OK with a 21 foot tide and a long haul to the water when its way out.

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