3-4 yrs spent in braces eating like a caterpillar, bowl after bowl of cereal...he has gone from a 94 lb 5'6" 6th grade slow moving insect
to a 147 lb 6' 9th grade pupae. Endless sleep deprived gaming sessions followed by long periods of carpet and couch sleep seances he has transformed......
Emerging......... as the monarch butterfly of youth. The possibilies are endless, his grades are good, his life is half virtual, half reality. And as the monarch goes so could he , traveling 1000's of miles in search of a perfect mate and flying across far off lands on the way, being crushed on the windshield of the 18 wheeler of life or somewhere in between.
We're very proud of him.
We only ask one thing............... Please don't bust up that grill for a few years, we just made the last payment on it.
1 comment:
Beautiful smile! Mouth guards come in all sorts of fashionable colors....
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