Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Summer filled with visitors from near and far... mostly not too far... We had the Never filled with the family McFadden, Terry (the husband), Judy (the little sister), Oski (the dog) Spook (cat, pictured), Buddy (no picture :/) from Seattle for 1st part of the summer. A short, but sweet visit from Jeanne Beckett (the big sister) from Seattle area. Tom made it up from Bay area for a brief weekend (no picture, brother -in- law) Amazing whale watching, including bubble feeding, fishing (Terry's favorite sport) and some kayak support... for son (jack, no picture... youv'e seen him lots) and friends of KK. Now things are quiet... maybe abit boring... all in all a great group!!! Thanks for coming to Indian Cove

1 comment:

Judy said...

Had a great time and thanks for hosting us all! Sorry for the late comment, but we are now back in the house with lots of bandwidth to check everything that has been going on.

Little Sis