Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Okay... we just returned from the world of Mickey.... Can't believe we came home with nothing Mickey!! Good job!
I think we experienced everything upside down, right side up and sideways... never threw up... this is good! It was a good week... laughed, screamed, smiled...with only a few minor breakdowns. Hard core 12-14 hrs a day... walked many miles. Had a great time with the family... it is nice to spend relaxing time.. not focused on work.. house.. etc
Cats are all present and accounted for... with the glaring exception of Midnight :( We hope she hitched a ride and moved to a warmer climate!
It is always good to be home... wished it was still snowing... raining like a mother..ugh. Always impressed by darkness this time of year... it is 8am and still dark outside. At least we are on the gaining side of the year.
Jack woke up super early... wide awake.. on florida time. John apparently got up, got milk and went to work... who knew?
Today... I'll unpack, do laundry... make a few phone calls and decide what will be my focus for the next couple of weeks. I have several big indoor winter projects to finish before April... best get crackin.
Planning on having a Fat Tuesday party, Feb 5th... need an outfit... of course. I love that!
Enjoying a cup of coffee in my kitchen... listening to some music and planning my day....

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