Thursday, January 3, 2008

No impact man

No impact man!

I have done a bunch of reading about... zero impact, no impact, carbon credits... you get the picture.

While sitting in our hot tub the other night... we discussed what simple things we could do to lessen our impact. Because our names could be... LARGE IMPACT Persons

AFter we build a house... I am sure we will have to come up with an entire new catagory.

1. Turn off our stuff @ night and when we leave the house... simple enough. Next we could get power strips to put all the appliance suckers on ... and turn them off every night. I want to start on Feb 1... and see if we see any blimp in the electric bill.

2. Stop the plastic bags... today is the first time I brought a bag in the store... it didn't hurt and really wasn't that hard.

3. Long ago we switched out the lights.... florescents.

4. My simple fix... switching to locally roasted coffee. They make a good cup!

Pondering our fish consumption in the summer... watch out

Maybe once a month... ... come up with one new idea and review how we are doing?

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